Current exhibition
Closed on June 23rd, 2024
Minus 1 gallery has been permanently closed.
The gallery was active between 2014-2024.
On this website Gallery's past exhibitions are documented
and their catalogs are available for download.
Past exhibitions

The Block
March 2024

July 2023

December 2022

Kalisher Mon Ami
April 2022

Being with the Animal
September 2021

Wilds Ago
March 2020

September 2019

Lost and Found
January 2019

Whose Work is This?
May 2018

Same Same But Different
October 2017

Bad Taste
June 2017

User Transparent
September 2016
Minus 1 is an art space of Haaretz collection. The collection, now more than 25 years old, is devoted exclusively to contemporary Israeli art. Consisting largely of paintings, the collection also contains photography, sculpture, installations and video art.
It represents Israeli art in all its streams and varieties, created by dozens of artists in the past five decades, beginning in the 1970s. All the major themes dealt with by Israeli art in this period are reflected in the collection: social identity, nationhood, class and gender; center-periphery and local-universal interrelations; reflexive issues regarding the status of artworks, the power of the image and the role of art; formalistic questions concerning style, form, medium and art-reality relations; and more. At the same time, the collection can be characterized in terms of two central axes of “here and now”: First, the exclusive focus on Israeli art stems from a deep involvement in the events that unfold in this place, and thus the collection displays a particular interest in critical art of a political-social character; and second, the decision to collect contemporary art springs from curiosity about the emergence of present-day trends, leading to an interest in original works that manifest those trends.